MLB Network Features Game Changer

by Game Changer

On July 24, 2019, Game Changer event #66 took place at the LAPD Police Academy at Elysian Park. LAPD officers, LA County Probation officers, juvenile probationers, LA Dodgers R.B.I. players, and members of the general public gathered together to participate in a moderated focus group, followed by attending the LA Dodgers/LA Angeles game at Dodgers stadium thanks to a ticket donation courtesy of the Los Angeles Dodgers Foundation.

Participating police officers received 5 hours of California POST (Commision on Peace Officer Standards and Training) training credit hours in the training subject of Community Policing. They also received 2 hours of Interpersonal Skills Training credit hours.

All participants spent the first portion of the focus group discussing problems. The second half was spent in small groups that included at least one members of law enforcement devising solutions to problems. At the conclusion of the focus group, all participants attended the game together to continue communicating in a less formal, more casual setting.

Are You A Game Changer?

Game Changer brings together community members, law enforcement, judicial and legislative branches of government for moderated focus groups. Together we discuss community problems and devise solutions. Dinner and event tickets are provided. Pre and Post perception surveys are completed by each participant to generate data.

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