LOS ANGELES, CA – The nation’s premiere law enforcement/community relations behavior change model has entered into a formal partnership with the nation’s most influential law enforcement association. Game Changer and the Major Cities Chiefs Association have reached an agreement that will foster consistent exposure between law enforcement representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada, the residents of those cities, and elected officials, to engage in respectful, informative dialogue to discuss problems and devise solutions for implementation – together – through Game Changer training events.

COVID-19 stay-at-home measures have prevented the four-year-old model from conducting in-person operations, which feature training members of law enforcement and community residents through moderated focus groups that typically occur three hours before the start of collegiate and professional sporting events.

The Major Cities Chiefs Association will play a key role in bringing to the table members of law enforcement from the largest cities in the country and Canada, by encouraging the Chiefs of member agencies to have their officers participate in the data proven model on a regular basis. Game Changer is designed to bring about changes in perception, leading to changes in behavior, leading to an increase in peaceful outcomes between members of law enforcement and community residents.
“Game Changer came to us highly recommended.”
Laura Cooper, Executive Director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association
“Game Changer came to us highly recommended. The MCCA has and will continue to advocate for strategic community partnerships, and the idea of bringing together officers and residents to solve problems through sports is innovative and meaningful. We’re looking forward to getting started,” said Laura Cooper, Executive Director of the Major Cities Chiefs Association.
The two organizations have agreed to cross-brand and will work together to identify member law enforcement agencies to participate. The data collected from pre, post, and follow up questionnaires completed by all participants will be used to identify areas for reform and measure program efficacy.
About the Major Cities Chiefs Association
The Major Cities Chiefs Association (MCCA) is a professional organization of police executives representing the largest cities in the United States and Canada. The mission of MCCA is to provide a forum for police executives from large population centers to address the challenges and issues of policing, to influence national and international policy that affects police services, to enhance the development of current and future police leaders, and to encourage and sponsor research that advances this mission. Source: the MCCA website.