Watts to Host 1st Game Changer Training

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Watts to Host 1st Game Changer Training

1st in a Series of Trainings within Mike Gipson’s California Assembly District 65 (AD65)


LOS ANGELES (September 18, 2023)Game Changer will be conducting its first training in the neighborhood of Watts on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, through a partnership with the office of California Assemblymember, Mike Gipson (AD65). It is the first in a series of trainings within Assembly District 65, and will occur at the Children’s Institute in Watts. The Assemblymember is no stranger to the California Peace Officer Standards & Training-accredited law enforcement/community relations model, as he’s participated on more than one occasion.


Game Changer will pilot its national law enforcement/community relations behavior change model over a period of 5 months in Watts, Compton, Carson, Willowbrook, and other cities that happen to be within the 65th Assembly District. Assemblymember Gipson’s office will conduct outreach within Assembly District 65 constituents and secure venues for the trainings. At the conclusion of the pilot period, the USC Safe Communities Institute, directed by former LA County Sheriff, Jim McDonnell, will provide a data report to be shared with city, county, and state officials to demonstrate efficacy and long-term value.


Participating members of California law enforcement will earn 4 hours of California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) continuing education units in Community Engagement/Building Trust. Participating Corrections and Probation officers will earn  3 hours of Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) continuing education units in Community Policing and Communication through Experiential Knowledge Acquisition. The training events also provide an opportunity for constituents of Assembly District 65 to receive training and insight into the concerns, objectives and priorities of law enforcement professionals. 


“Building strong institutional relationships with law enforcement has never been more important for the people I represent, and I am pleased to welcome Game Changer’s trainers this month for our partnership’s first date,” said Assemblymember Mike Gipson (D-Carson). “South L.A. residents are eager to have productive conversations and improve relations between these agencies and the public the serve.  I thank Game Changer for investing its time and efforts into our communities.”


Since December 2016, Game Changer has conducted 145 in-person and virtual training events in 10 different states and Canada. A total of 2,593 community residents and members of law enforcement have participated in the training events, including 57 unique law enforcement agencies on the local, state and federal levels.

For more information on Game Changer and future events please visit www.GameChanger1.org



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