California Standards and Training for Corrections Certifies Game Changer Model

by Game Changer

The California Standards and Training for Corrections (STC) has joined California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) by  formally certifying Game Changer events to train members of law enforcement.

Corrections Officers and Probation Officers in the state of California will receive continuing education units in Community Policing and Communication when participating in virtual and/or in-person Game Changer training events.  As per their website, Standards and Training for Corrections works in collaboration with local corrections systems to improve the professional competence of local corrections staff in California.

Dozens of probation officers and scores of juvenile probationers and currently incarcerated juveniles have participated in Game Changer events over the years.  California probation officers will now receive POST and STC continuing education units when they participate in Game Changer events.

STC is governed by the California Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC), an independent statutory agency that provides leadership to the adult and juvenile criminal justice systems. The BSCC sets standards and provides training for local adult and juvenile corrections and probation officers. It is also the administering agency for a host of federal and state public safety grants, including evidence-based practices to fight gangs, and works to address the overrepresentation of youth of color in the juvenile justice system.

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